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Week 15 News

Only 3 weeks remaining in the regular season.


Jim Spiegle and Jody Hornyak now have a 2 point lead over Ron Strootman and Bill Kelly.  Jim O'Brien and Ralph Crescitelli, Vince Cimino and Lou D'Agostina, and Kim Moebus and Ryan Brandt are all 6 points back.

Survivor Golf

This week there was a tie at +10 between Ron Cohen and John Lutz, and Jim Biehl and Bob Heaney.  The first tiebreaker is points won so the winner in the tiebreaker was Jim Biehl and Bob Heaney who picked up 4 points.  Ron and John are packing their bags as you read this.

We are now down to the final 4 in the Survivor pool and along with Jim and Bob we have Jim and Jodi, Vince and Lou, and Byran and Dave.

Golfing With The Stars

In week 14 star golf star Ryan Brandt picked up 4 star points by defeating Eric MacMinn, star Pat Eves Jr, lost his match to Jim Spiegle and star Lou D'Agostino split his match 2 to 2 with Dave Stratton.  

The stars for week 15 will be Jim O'Brien with 32 net, Jodi Hornyak with 33 net, and Mike Harbison, Bill Freeman, Steve Sadowski and Dennis Mahoney with 34 net.

In week 14 schmuck golf Paul May defeated sub Justin Harvey, schmuck Eric MacMinn lost his match to Ryan Brandt and Schmuck Martin Cassidy lost his match 3 to 1 against Kim Moebus.

 Our week 15 schmuck golfers will be Eric MacMinn with 43 net, Charlie Eves with 42 net, and Paul May with 41 net.

Ryan Brandt has a 2 point lead over Jim Spiegle in the star golf championship but it should be noted that Jim is scheduled to play in a star match in week 15.

Paul May has an 8 point lead in the overall schmuck golf competition.

Secret Scorecard

The secret scorecard hole for week 14 was the 6th hole.  

Pars were carded by Jim Biehl, Pat Eves Jr., Jim O'Brien, Derek Evans, Dave Goodman and Ron Strootman.

 Picture by Jodi.

The new scarecrows that they installed to scare away the geese are very realistic and very frightening.